Velvet Finish – White

Quikcote Velvet finish gives the impression of smooth concrete. Perfect for fire place surrounds and interior and exterior feature walls. It is hard and durable product that provides long term protection, it has to be coated with Quikcote Sealer for durability and protection (refer to Quikcote Sealer TDS). Velvet Finish is available in Grey, White and off-white colour based on cement used.

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Product Size:13 Litres
Coverage:7-10 SqM/Bag
Substrate Suitability:
  • Areas not to be coated should be masked and protected.
  • All surfaces to be rendered must be dry, clean, sound and free from contaminants including; oil, mould release, dust, dirt, silicone, mud, grease, salt, efflorescence, animal droppings and any loose or flaking material.
  • Suitable for exterior and interior surfaces. Ensure render is cured properly before application of Velvet Finish
Application Tools:Tools/Machinery Required: Hawk & Steel trowel, Polystyrene float, plastic floats, straight edge, sponge, power mixer, masking tapes, drop sheeting.